"This Too Shall Pass": Embracing Life's Flow


Ever tackled a long-distance run or bike ride? If you have, you know there's a lot in common between endurance sports and life. Just like in a grueling race, life throws at us highs and lows. And that's where the mantra "This too shall pass" comes into play.

The Marathon Mindset

In a marathon, there are moments you feel unstoppable – that's like life's highs. Then there are times you hit 'the wall,' where every step feels like a monumental task – akin to life's lows. But what every seasoned runner knows is that both these moments are temporary. They pass. That's the essence of "This too shall pass."

Observing from the Outside

Think of it like watching a marathon from the sidelines. You see runners passing by – some sprinting, others struggling. Just like these moments in the race, life's ups and downs are fleeting. When you're in the midst of it, it feels all-consuming. But step back, and you'll see it's just a part of a bigger journey.

The Endurance Perspective

What does endurance sports teach us? Stamina, resilience, and the understanding that the finish line is not always in sight, but it's there. Apply this to life. Whether you're in a phase of joy or struggle, it's all about enduring, knowing that the phase is just that – a phase.

The Power of Detached Observation

To truly embrace "This too shall pass," adopt the stance of a detached observer. Feel the joy, endure the pain, but through it all, remind yourself – this is just a part of the journey, not the entire journey. Like a spectator watching a race, observe your life's ebbs and flows with a sense of detachment.

Go With the Flow

So, the next time you find yourself soaring high or scraping through a low, take a moment. Reflect like an outsider. Remind yourself – this is just a part of my race.


Classic Breathing Exercise : Wim Hoff